Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What Everyone Needs to Know About Self-replicating Web Pages

If some of you have read my earlier posts about Mack Michaels or visted MaverickGuy.com, you may know that he does not recommend a self-replicating web page and in fact encourages you to go out and get your own domain. Buying a domain is not nearly as hard as I thought it would be. In fact, it was much easier than I thought it would be..perhaps to easy.

Ok, so anyway I did a little research on self-replicating or duplicating web pages and here is what I have found:

If you are a member of an affiliate or resellers program, and you were given a web site or web page from which to promote the program, you should pay very close attention to this article. It will open your eyes to why it is almost impossible to get the search engines to give you a high ranking.

99.9% of all affiliate programs which offer a web page or web site as part of the joining package, give what is referred to as a "self replicated" site or page. This means it is a page or site that is identical to every other member also in the same affiliate program with one very small exception. The only difference between all the pages is your affiliate number or email address.

This is search engine suicide and despite what you may have been told, if you think you are ever going to get far trying to get these type sites listed high in the search engines, it will never ever happen. You will get further paddling a boat across the lake with a huge hole in it!

The reason affiliate groups give these types of pages out, is because it is very easy to generate them using a script from their web site. The main objective for most of these affiliate type companies is to get as many people signed up as possible into their program. The more people they have signed up, the more overall sales they will generate for the company.

I'm not saying that all programs aren't good, many are. If you want to discover however how to pick the right resellers or affiliates program, go to... http://www.worldwideadnetwork.com/resellers.htm

Here's why the affiliated or "self replicated" pages are no good for you and how to easily get around the very serious problem.

Depending upon how long you have been on the Internet, you may have heard the term "mirror page". A few years ago, someone decided it would be a smart idea to take their index page (main page of a web site) and create multiple copies of it. They left everything on the page the same and just kept making copies like index1.htm, index2.htm, index3.htm etc. The next thing to happen was they upoaded all these copies to their web server and submitted each of these pages to the search engines. The results were pretty good until the search engines figured out what was going on. The search engines started working on ways to prevent this from happening to make it more fair to the Internet in general. The solution was for the search engines to give very poor ranking to those sites which were submited which exactly match other pages already indexed within the same search engine.

The search engines send out what's called a "spider" or "robot" to index your web site when it has been submitted. This is all automatically done and can instantly tell when deceptive things like mirror pages are in place. The result is very poor ranking and huge loss of potential traffic and income.

Ok, now that you understand this, can you also appreciate that a search engine cannot tell a mirror page from a self replicated one? Now do you also see why using up energy and time to try and get these types of pages highly ranked in the search engines is a complete waste of time? I hope so!

Lead in (sometimes called splash) pages are pages that will greatly improve your affiliate type web sites ability to generate traffic. You create a page that is put together properly in terms of design, layout, and has the proper advanced meta tags. Then you submit the lead in page to the search to the search engines! There are several samples on our site to give you an easier idea of exactly how effective this is. WorldwideAdNetwork.com.

By using a lead in page to promote and submit to the search engines, all web traffic will be drawn to this page first. The search engines will also rank this page much higher than it would ever have ranked the self replicated page. A lead in or splash page is a must for every sefl replicated web site.

A word about meta tags. Meta tags are crucial to your web pages success. 99.9% of all self replicated web pages do not have any meta tags! It is also impossible for you to get ranked within the search engines without the proper use of meta tags. There are about seventeen advanced meta tags that you should have programmed into every web page in your web site.

The search engines are looking for very specific things. If you give the search engines exactly what they seek, you will enjoy far greater search engine ranking than those who do not. It is just that plain and simple.

Article by Britt Phillips of Worldwide Ad Network. You may have seen Britt on the nationally televised "Making Money" infomercial with Don Lapre! For that incredible story, plus FREE "how-to" publicity tips, cutting edge business opportunities, web services, free software, and more visit http://www.WorldwideAdNetwork.com and join the millions who are making serious money!
Permission is granted to reprint and distribute this article as long as it remains unedited and includes both the resource box above and this authorization.

Is Mack Michaels and MaverickMoneyMakers a Fraud?

Recently, one marketer by the name of Mack Michaels, has recently launched a product called MaverickMoneyMakers that has gone viral. What is viral you ask? Well, that just means his product is really hot. I've had the opportunity to review his product and here is what I think:

1. First of all, Mack does provide you with an abundance of information..kudos to him. I have no doubt he has extensive online marketing experience in pay per click (PPC) as well as limited web design experience. Mack also attempts to get money in your pocket as quickly as possible by providing a step-by-step program. But wait,

2. Although he gives you a lot of info, sometimes he contradicts himself. Look at his website as a work in progress. He knows a lot, but there are some inconsistencies in his teaching. For example, Mack shows you how to set-up a free web page on Google to advertise your product or service. But if it's an affiliate product (like his is) well it won't work well with Google and Adsense because you need your own domain for that. Mack explains that later on, but if you've already wasted time setting up a site on Google, welllet's just say his information could be organized better. He also tells you to go to GODaddy.com to buy a domain, then he mentions another website to buy your domain through--so the newbie is left to think, what do I do? While his videos are good at going through each detail step by step, sometimes the details are out of order. For example, he suggets you buy a domain, market some product already out there through ClickBank with a hop link, but neglects to tell you that Google does not like hop links for its Adsense paer per clicks. So, he then introduces Adbrite to do your PPC campaign through...so, he really could be more organized..

3. Finally, Mack does have and 800 number as well as an email service to answer questions. But I found myself on hold a longtime with the 800 number until I just gave up and the email system usually takes about a day or so to get back with you. Better customer service than most affiliates, but I think it could certainly be improved.

So, there is my reveiw of Mack Michaels and his money making program. If you'd like to see the program in action, you can check out http://www.MaverickGuy.com. This is definitely a legitimate home based business, but it is not perfect and does have some flaws. Oh, but he does offer a 60 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose.

How to Make Money Online

Here are some elements you need to keep in mind if you want to work from home in your own home based business:

1. Be sincere. There simply is too much competition out there for you to be successful and not make a connection with your customer. In another article, I will talk about brand marketing versus transaction marketing, but suffice it to say, you want to focus on brand marketing. Besides building an image or idea associated with your brand, your customer needs to know that you are real and can be trusted. This concept alone will help differentiate you from your competition. How many businesses do you deal with where you know the CEO personally or even have a simple 800 number, or any number to reach them at for that matter? There simply is too much competition for transaction business and it really isn't that much harder to build a brand. It is really just a question of commitment.

2. Offer value. Again, many businesses want to sell you something that really has no value. For example, there are hundreds of businesses offering to teach you how to work from home. But what are they really offering other than a bunch of links to different websites? What type of inside information or knowledge can they give you that most people don't know about? One trick to build in value is simply to give a little known nugget of information away for free. If someone is getting or learning something for free that they didn't know before, you have already started to create value.

3. Remind your customer of the benefit received. Many times a customer may have received some sort of value or benefit from your service, but they simply don't realize it. Ask yourself what you have given to your customer that benefits them, and then tell them that you have done that. For example, in this article, hopefully you have learned that you can differentiate yourself from your competition by creating a brand. A brand can often be trusted more so than a transaction. Also, a customer is more likely to purchase from you in the future if they like and trust your brand. Transaction customers are often shopping for the lowest price and many times are never to be seen or heard from again. If you are going to spend the time and money gaining a customer, why not keep them for life by creating a brand they can trust?

If you would like to learn more about online marketing a home based business, visit http://www.MaverickGuy.com

Mike Patty has spent 20 years in marketing and finance. He specializes in authoring from his experience from working for the country's largest mutual fund company as well as his vast online sales expertise.


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